Haru Kurokawa/HaruKuro |
Kurokawa Haru desu! this is just a normal blog about anime, a little bit of my life, a total randomness, and stuffs..
Ichigo's Transformation!!
Oct 29, 2012
Gomenasai, i've been away for now...
Jul 22, 2012
Anime Reviews; Kuroko no Basuke
yoo~ mina~ gomen ngga pernah nge-post... saya sibuk dgn nyiapin cosu, main eroge(online) dan nyebarin berita AFA.. yosh! kyou wa, Kuroko no Basuke! anime reviews!! seperti yg anda ketahui, bahasa saya agak mencong-mencong dan bukan bahasa indonesia/inggris yg baik, maka dari itu, saya copas dari berbagai macam situs... (saya juga males ngetik banyak2 sih~ kesesese~)
some picture to start the reviews..
anime ini lagi seru2ny dibahas para penyuka shounen(dan basket)... temen ane sampe tergila2, dan karna penasaran, saya baca manganya, terus karna seru, ane jadi ikut nge-pens... wkwkwk
Synopsis: The Teiko Middle School Basketball Team: The class that produced three perfect seasons in a row, with five once-in-a generation players, called "The miracle generation". However there was another player who all of them respected... A legendary 6th player. An up-and-coming power player, Taiga Kagami, is just back from America. When he comes to Seirin High School, he meets the super-ordinary boy, Tetsuya Kuroko. Kagami is shocked to find that Kuroko isn't good at basketball, in fact, he's bad! And he's so plain that he's impossible to see. But Kuroko's plainness lets him pass the ball around without the other team noticing him, and he's none other than the sixth member of the Miracle Generation. (Source: AnimeNewsNetwork)
1. Kuroko Tetsuya
The main protagonist. He is the sixth and the phantom member of the "Generation of Miracles" and Seirin's new secret weapon. If you don't pay attention, you wouldn't be able to notice his presence (there are a lot of cases in when everybody's startled after noticing Kuroko's 'sudden appearance). At the first glance, he's so mediocre; all his abilities (power, speed and flexibility) seem to be below average, but he can be a dangerous opponent. Despite being apparently bad at dribbling and shooting, he's specialized in circulating passes without being seen thanks to his lack of presence. Given the absolute presence and importance of the ball in play, it had been previously thought impossible for Kuroko to maintain his misdirection while in possession of the ball, and as such the time he spends handling the ball on court is extremely minimal. Because of his largely complementary skill set, Kuroko considers himself a "shadow".
2. Taiga Kagami
Kagami was in America until second year of middle school and has recently come back to Japan in his first year on senior high. He is determined to surpass "The Generation of Miracles" and become the number 1. Along with Kuroko, they're the only two freshmen allowed to play in matches. At the start of this manga, Kagami is shown to have a huge potential -- good build, height, skill in basketball -- but his strongest weapon is his inhuman jump. With those jumps (that gradually gets higher and higher every time he jumps), he managed to block his opponent's attacks. he and Kuroko are actually on good terms, and they're called Seirin's Freshmen Duo.(pasti banyak yg bikin fic yaoi nih..)
3. Riko Aida
She is the coach of the basketball team. She has the ability to be able to tell the potential of each basketball player just by looking at their bodies. Her ability works best when the players are shirtless. She got this ability by following her father to work. She's so horrible at cooking that her teammates can't endure eating it (moreover, she has the habit of mixing vitamins with her cooking). She's good at studying and is ranked #2 in the whole school. Riko can be really scary when she's mad, and she's often teased as being 'flat-chested'
4. Ryuota Kise
(ini nih... yg sering bikin fan-girl scream... IKEMEN!!)
Now a freshman at Kaijou High, Kise was the rookie of the "Generation of Miracles". Since he only started playing basketball in his second year of middle school, Kise was his team's least experienced member, and notes himself the weakest of the five. Kise's unique skill is his ability to mimic the moves and plays of other players. The only moves he cannot copy are the special skills of truly exceptional players, like the other members of the "Generation of Miracles". Beyond being a strong player in his own right, Kise respects Kuroko's abilities and wishes to play with him once again. He seems to have a slight obsession with Kuroko. Because of this, Kise's interactions with Kuroko tend to come off like Kise is flirting with him, even though they are talking about basketball. Also, he's a model in his free time, so girls are always mobbing him. (yg ini juga banyak fic KisexKuroko =w=)
4. Midorima Shintarou
Midorima is one of the Generation of Miracles. He specializes in shooting, and by 'shooting' means that he has an absolute accuracy (said that he never missed any shot) and the whole court is his shooting range. He's left-handed, and he always bandages his left hand fingers if he's not on a match to protect his nails, because the secret to his accuracy is those nails. He absolutely believes in astrology and horoscopes; he always listens to Oha-Asa, a morning horoscope reading, and he never fails to bring his today's lucky item.
5. Aomine Daiki
Aomine was the ace of Teikou's team, embracing an aggressive and liquid style, made even more powerful by Kuroko's misdirection. In fact, Aomine was once Kuroko's "Light", before Kagami. Incredibly fast and versatile, Aomine's strength lies in his unpredictability, as well as an uncanny ability to shoot from virtually any position. Though he loves basketball, he has grown sardonic and unenthusiastic toward the sport, skipping practice and even arriving late for important matches. This is due to his frustration in not being able to find an opponent capable of matching his skill, and thus making he concludes that the only one that can defeat him is he himself.
6. Murasakibara Atsushi
Formerly playing center for Teikou Middle School's basketball team, he does the same now for Youizumi High School. Beyond possessing shoulder-length, purple hair, Murasakibara is immediately recognizable for his great height, at least ten centimeters taller than any other currently revealed member of the Generation of Miracles. The everyday Murasakibara is childish and often teases people, but once he's on the court, his personality changes. Because of his natural height and great talent, he doesn't care very much for basketball, and he said that he's annoyed seeing average people going so far on playing basketball
7. Seijuro Akashi
The final member of the Generation of Miracles, he stood at their head as captain, leading their team to uncontested victory during the three years he played for Teikou Middle School. He is uninterested in winning, simply because victory in his eyes is an absolute given, requisite to his own life as much as breathing. He upholds an extreme 'winner-take-all' philosophy, believing that victors are granted absolution in all things, while losers are denied everything. He claims never to have lost at anything, and as such he believes himself right in all things; he grows violent towards those who thus defy him, attempting to stab Kagami with a pair of scissors when the latter refused to leave even when told to do so. Respected and feared by the Generation of Miracles, they assemble as he demands, and can't help but heed his words.
Name: Kuroko no Basuke, Kuroko's Basketball, 黒子のバスケ
Rating: 13 or more
Genre: Comedy, Sports, SHOUNEN, School
Original Creator: Fujimaki Tadatoshi
Anime: Aired from April 8 2012.
Status: Ongoing, currently 16 episodes
Duration: 24 minutes/episodes
de~ selesai sudah reviews kita! memang singkat... saya ini baru baca manganya aja lo.. tadinya sih mau manga reviews, tapi kurang berwarna~ jadinya anime reviews aja deh... oh ya, temen ane yg fujo suka banget pairing KiseKuroko jadinya klo ketemu fic ttg itu, kemungkinan buatan temen ane yg fantasinya mencapai 7 langit...
sampai disini dan sampai jumpa!
Jun 8, 2012
Anime Festival Asia; INDONESIA
heyy minna!! long time no post~ gomen gomen ore ada banyak kerjaan didunia nyata(?).. oke judulnya "AFA Indonesia" so... ARE YOU(indonesian otaku) EXCITED?! i have lived all of these years not for nothing~ finally the day has come!! jadi hari ini saya mau menceritakan event terpenting di Indonesia ini..
(teaser poster)
ITS NOT A HOAX!! its true!
hohoho~ get ready everyone!
so, i'm going to use Indonesia language now. jadiii~ AFA yang ini resmi! dan udah dibahas sama Danny Choo di post blognya. untuk tempatnya masih belom diketahui, tapi yah.. setidaknya mereka mau dateng ke Indonesia kan? well, jadi saya meminta sebarkan berita ini ke teman Otaku/fujoshi/fudanshi anda, supaya banyak yang datang, dan mungkin AFA mau gelar di Indonesia lagi!! oh iya, saya BAKALAN dateng lo~ oh.. dan ini Twitternya AFA_Indo
sekian dan sampai jumpa~!
oh iya, maaf sekali akhir2 ini jaraang banget nge-post.. berbagai alasan:
1. bingung mau bahas apa
2. internet lemot
3. akhir2 ini ada ulangan
4. minggu kemaren baru aja UAS
5. keenakan main Wii sodara
6. laptopnya dipake buat kerja ortu
7. dll
ja ne!
May 6, 2012
Game; Ore Wa Shoujo Mangaka
Yoo minna~! ketemu ore lagi! kali ini, ore mau bahas Game! eits! bukan sembarang game yang ore bahas, namun Game kesukaan ore, and that is... VN/VISUAL NOVEL alias EROGE gan!! ore seneng banget pas tau ada game kayak gini udah dirilis dan ada tempat donlot download nya, eh tak tahunya cuma bisa buat PSP(PSP buat main bareng adek, nanti kalo ada VN-nya, terus ketauan, APA KATA EMAK?!) dan baru bahasa Japan yang tersedia.. langsung drop gan!! nah, ini picturenya!
wuisss... dari gambarnya aja udah mantep ya? Synopsis: Ore wa Shoujo Mangaka is a PSP visual novel(Eroge) created by studio
Giza10 as their debut game. ceritanya tentang seorang laki-laki(Kamio Kenji) yang berkeinginan untuk menjadi seorang Shoujo mangaka. Desperate for a way to regain his popularity, he decides to reinvent himself... as a cute girl!! dan akhirnya dia dibantu oleh beberapa wanita untuk mengejar impiannya..
dan dari synopsis diatas, berarti genrenya bisa kalian tebak kan?? untuk post yang kali ini, bukan Reviews ya, jadi saya gak kasihtau chara-chara nya... (emang belom ada informasi sama sekali..)
Name: Ore wa Shoujo Mangaka, I'm a Shoujo Manga Creator
Rating: R-18
Genre: Harem, Ecchi, Comedy, Romance
Publisher: Giza10
Release date: Feb 23 2012.
Download Link: click here
That's all for today!
Ja ne~!
Apr 26, 2012
Anime Reviews; Accel World
Osu Minna~ genki da ne? yosha! kyou wa, Anime Reviews desu! hari ini saya akan membahas Accel World~ sa, picture of the anime!
Synopsis: The year is 2046. Haruyuki Arita is a young boy who finds himself on the lowest social rungs of his school. Ashamed of his miserable life, Haruyuki can only cope by indulging in virtual games. But that all changes when Kuroyukihime, the most popular girl in school, introduces him to a mysterious program called Brain Burst and a virtual reality called the Accel World. (source: AnimeNewsNetwork) Sa~ here comes the Character
1. Kuroyukihime (黒雪姫)
Kuroyukihime/Black Snow Princess/Snow Black/Black King/Black Lotus/Hime (wuah... banyak ya, panggilannya -_-) The most beautiful and refined girl in the school. She changes Haruyuki Arita's life by introducing him to Accel World, a program that enhances one's mind capabilities, with certain side-effects.
2. Haruyuki Arita
Haruyuki/Haru(dafuq?!)/Silver Crow is a middle school student and is overweight. He has been bullied for many years and because of that likes to go to places where no one is like the squash game on the local network at school.
3. Chiyuri Kurashima
dia adalah teman masa kecilnya Haruyuki.
owata! Reviews comes next!
Name: Accel World , アクセル・ワールド
Rating: 13 or more
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Action, School Life, Sci-fi, SHOUNEN
Original Creator: Kawahara Reki
Anime: 24 Episode, 1 Special
Status: Airing, from Mar 26 2012 until ?
Duration: 26 minute/episode
Thats all i can tell ya`! warui ne~ ore gak tau banyak tentang Accel World ini karna baru sedikit Episode yang keluar, dan saya baru nonton 2 Episode~
(bukannya elu masih ada ujian?)
(gimana sih?! kan niatnya mau dapet beasiswa di sekolah Seiyuu di Jepang, kok masih males belajarnya?!)
[kan Seiyuu, jadi suara, jadi gw belajar dengan mendengarkan para Seiyuu profesional ngomong dan mempelajarinya~]
dan.... percakapan tadi itu terjadi di dunia nyata, yaitu percakapan saya dan bapak saya.. ((who cares about that!)) nah sekian dan, sampai jumpa~
ja ne~!
Apr 24, 2012
the Onion Head Emoticon!!
Yoo minna~ ketemu lagi dengan saya! hari ini, saya bingung mau ngapain, jadi saya ngepost Onion Head aja ya~ bagi yang belom tau sama si imut-imut ini, silahkan simak cerita yang saya buat....
*pop out!
*halo~ <--- si maho
*jah...si maho
*pop out(again)!
*senam pagi-pagi! (biar sehat)
*lari pagi~
*panas/ atsui~
*hoeekk!!! minuman apaan nih?!
*berendam enak kali ya~
*ofuro ofuro! tidak lupa memakai sabun~
*eeh?! udah jam segini???
*uwooh!! awas!! orang AWESOME mau lewat!! batu, minggir lu!
*pengumuman udah keluar!!
*eh... nama ore...
*ini bukan mimpi kan?!
*ahaha... mimpi kali ya?
*bangga gan... (sama diri sendiri)
*dapet topi~ (apaan sih namanya?)
*lulus juge lu, abis 5 tahun ngulang...
*iya dong gan!
*gue gituloh!!
*halah...ngulang 5 tahun baru lulus aja bangga... gue udah 10 tahun gan! (belom lulus juga!)
*elu ngintilin dosennya mulu sih... maho dasar
*haha... rangking 1 gan~ pidato dulu ye
*ehem... bla blablabla setelah ngulang 5 tahun, saya blablabla
*serius lo?! 5 tahun?! <--dosen
*serius, pak!
*emak~ dapet hadiah dari dosen mak!!!
*iya nak... apa nak? BUS*T!!
*elu ngapain bawa **** ******?! mau jadi teroris?! *dari dosen mak
*lulus hoyee~
*pesan buat semua, kalo kuliah, cukup 3.5 tahun... ga usah kebanyakan ya~
*terserah sih... kalo ngulang 5 tahun, nanti dapet rangking 1 loo!!!
*sampai jumpa lagi~
*pop out!
*halo~ <--- si maho
*jah...si maho
*pop out(again)!
*senam pagi-pagi! (biar sehat)
*lari pagi~
*panas/ atsui~
*hoeekk!!! minuman apaan nih?!
*berendam enak kali ya~
*ofuro ofuro! tidak lupa memakai sabun~
*eeh?! udah jam segini???
*uwooh!! awas!! orang AWESOME mau lewat!! batu, minggir lu!
*pengumuman udah keluar!!
*eh... nama ore...
*ini bukan mimpi kan?!
*ahaha... mimpi kali ya?
*bangga gan... (sama diri sendiri)
*dapet topi~ (apaan sih namanya?)
*lulus juge lu, abis 5 tahun ngulang...
*iya dong gan!
*gue gituloh!!
*halah...ngulang 5 tahun baru lulus aja bangga... gue udah 10 tahun gan! (belom lulus juga!)
*elu ngintilin dosennya mulu sih... maho dasar
*haha... rangking 1 gan~ pidato dulu ye
*ehem... bla blablabla setelah ngulang 5 tahun, saya blablabla
*serius lo?! 5 tahun?! <--dosen
*serius, pak!
*emak~ dapet hadiah dari dosen mak!!!
*iya nak... apa nak? BUS*T!!
*elu ngapain bawa **** ******?! mau jadi teroris?! *dari dosen mak
*lulus hoyee~
*pesan buat semua, kalo kuliah, cukup 3.5 tahun... ga usah kebanyakan ya~
*terserah sih... kalo ngulang 5 tahun, nanti dapet rangking 1 loo!!!
*sampai jumpa lagi~
Gimana? lucu nggak si Onion headnya? btw itu bukan kucing ya~ o ya kalo nggak ngerti ceritanya silahkan comment, nanti saya ceritain di comment.. so? is it funny? i bet you dont understand right?! well, just comment this post, and i will answer your question~
~> nantikan! The Onion Head Episode 2!!
Ja ne~
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